Foods that Work to Prevent Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss Blog

It’s no secret that your hearing health is one of the most crucial parts of your physical health, but many you may unknowingly hurt your hearing by not protecting yourself against extremely loud noises throughout your life. It’s coming to the forefront, though, that what you eat can have a direct impact on your hearing. In fact, nutritionists have been hard at work illustrating improved ways you can protect your hearing over the long haul. One easy way is to consume certain healthy foods that will do wonders in protecting you against hearing loss. Here we take a look at several foods and the benefits they offer your hearing health.


It’s a fact that eating healthy oranges and lemons can curb the effects of the common cold, but citrus fruits also give us an unseen benefit for the ears. This is due to the fact that they contain vitamins C and E, which give you a much-improved immune system so you can fight off infections, such as ear infections. If you fail to treat ear infections, they can cause long-term damage in the form of chronic hearing loss.

Sweet Snacks

By cutting yourself some slack and eating dark chocolate every now and then, you’re doing what you can to improve your ears. Dark chocolate has zinc, which is known to guard against hearing loss in the aging population. Don’t let hearing damage become a reality as you get on in years. Instead, have a tasty treat in the form of dark chocolate. You can also pop a zinc supplement each day for additional health benefits from antioxidants that help with all areas of your overall health.

Go Bananas

Not only do bananas go great in a fruit or yogurt smoothie, they also offer a host of other health benefits – not just for your weight-loss efforts but also to your ears. The magnesium present in bananas can help curb hearing damage brought about by loud sounds, for example, so go ahead and indulge in a banana today for a nutritious snack.

Veggie Power

Eating enough veggies, especially when it comes to broccoli, can improve your overall health as well as the health of your ears. Why is this so? Veggies are filled with essential vitamins and minerals that fend off free radicals leading to long-term tissue damage. This can certainly happen as you get older. That’s why it’s crucial to keep vegetables a central part of your diet each day. Plus, your hair and skin will thank you for that youthful glow.

Salmon and Similar Fish

If you’ve been contemplating a fish dinner tonight, go for it. Don’t hesitate to eat large amounts of fish, and salmon in particular. Containing high levels of helpful omega-3 fatty acids, you get an essential nutritional element to your hearing health thanks to fish. That’s because they boost the efficiency of blood flow throughout your entire body and ears in particular. Fatty acids are great for establishing strong blood flow, a pretty central part of healthy hearing.

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