Avoiding the Biggest Mistake in Treating Your Hearing Loss Do you recall the Q-Ray Bracelets? You know, the magnetic bracelets that promised to furnish immediate and significant pain relief from arthritis and other chronic disorders? Well, you won’t find much of that advertising anymore; in 2008, the manufacturers of the Q-Ray Bracelets were legally obligated […]
Hearing deficit is hazardously sneaky. It creeps up on you over the years so little by little you hardly detect it, making it easy to deny or ignore. And afterwards, when you eventually recognize the signs and symptoms, you shrug it off as troublesome and irritating due to the fact that its true consequences are […]
Popularity, wealth, and screaming fans — these are some of the words and phrases you’d use to describe the everyday life of a professional musician. But what you likely wouldn’t take into account is “hearing loss” or “tinnitus,” the not-so-enjoyable side-effects of all that prominence, wealth, and screaming. The bittersweet irony is, a musician’s hearing […]
85 decibels. That’s the noise measure at which repeated exposure can trigger severe hearing damage. 100 decibels. that is the sound measure hit by a rock show, which is not-so-good news for musicians or live concert goers. It’s also part of a larger problem: According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), approximately 30 […]
These days, countless individuals wear hearing aids each day to be able to hear better. This is nothing new, even though the technology has undeniably come a long way. Available in numerous shapes, sizes, and even colors, today’s hearing aids only weigh a few ounces when they used to weigh several pounds! They’re not only […]
Hearing aids have gone through quite a few iterations in their 200-plus year history. The technology that is used in hearing aids has historically been developed because of a dedicated scientist who is either impacted by hearing loss or has a loved one impacted by hearing loss. As an example, Alexander Graham Bell’s mother had […]
There is another danger to our hearing health in the world today. According to recent studies, ibuprofen has been linked as a cause of hearing loss in people around the world. This has raised concern in people everywhere, but it must be understood that this is a long-term hearing problem and does not happen in […]
There are many different ways that hearing loss can have a negative effect on holiday gatherings. While many people do not realize it, people with hearing loss are often forced to suffer in silence as they are left to feel inadequate and left out during the holidays. There are many different problems that can arise […]
Any person who has ever put on another person’s glasses for fun, or accidentally, can understand that some medical improvement devices are specific to the needs of a single person. Much along the same line of thought are hearing aids, which require specific programming to help an individual. Any person that is considering buying a […]
For millions of people around the world, hearing loss is a sad reality of their everyday life. While some technology has been able to help them hear better, the digital hearing aids have a lot of faults such as being bulky and noticeable, not to mention that the technology is not always impressive in its […]